Thursday 2 February 2017

Work for Thursday

Hi Coppola group, I hope you got my message about today - I'm ill so won't be in - sorry! I hope to be in tomorrow, please watch this blog.

Please see below for the work you need to do today:

1.a. Go to post entitled 'Film Distribution Guide' This is on the home page, just scroll down until you find it.
(see illustration below)

1.b.  Watch the short video and write an overview of all stages of distribution. 

1.c. Post on your blog.

2.a. Go to 'Distribution' page of my blog and look at first post: 'How well do you know your audience?'
(see illustration below)

2.b. View Prezi on independent distribution (you will need to click on the link below the image.)

2.b. Make notes and post on your blog.

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