Wednesday 14 March 2018

Narrative theorists and analysis

A1 Film Studies - work for Weds 14th March, 2018

For your coursework you will need to analyse the narratives of a range of short films. You will than need to be able to apply this analysis to the narrative of your own screenplay and/or film.

1. Go to the page on this blog called 'Narrative'.
2.  Click on the link that can be found there and study the information there.
3. Choose a narrative theorist and summarise their theory.
4. Go to the page called 'C3 - short films'. Watch either:
    'Curfew' (Christensen, 2012) or
     'The Gunfighter (Kissack, 2014)

 5. Apply the theory of your chosen narrative to the film. Write a 300 word analysis and post to             your blog.

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