Wednesday, 20 May 2020

'Beasts Of The Southern Wild' (Zeitlin, 2012)


Watch the opening 15 minutes of ‘Beasts’ (Zeitlin, 2012) and answer the following questions:

1.   What is the opening shot?
                  a).What might this be a metaphor for?

2.   Who’s point of view (POV) is the narrative told from?
a)   Which narratives techniques are used to convey this?

3.   What does the protagonist say are the good things about where she lives?

4.   Do you agree with everything that the protagonist says?
a)   Identify something you agree with.
b)   Identify something you disagree with.

5.   How closely aligned are we with the narrator?

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Short film analysis - Starter

A1 Film Studies


1.   In your small groups watch ‘Connect’ again and answer the following questions:

2.   What is the opening shot?
a.   What does this establish?
b.   What other microfeatures does the narrative use? – give examples.

3.   Which other narrative techniques does the film use? – give examples

4.   Which of the four short film categories does it fall into? – explain your choice. 

   View the Short Film 'Wasp' dir Andrea Arnold 
   Complete the following tasks:
  1. Write a premise for Wasp (Who wants what and why can't they have it?)
  2. Which of the 4 short film categories does it fall into? - explain the reasons for your choice.
  3. Write a page of screenplay from any part of the film. 

   Email your work to me by next week.