Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Short film analysis - Starter

A1 Film Studies


1.   In your small groups watch ‘Connect’ again and answer the following questions:

2.   What is the opening shot?
a.   What does this establish?
b.   What other microfeatures does the narrative use? – give examples.

3.   Which other narrative techniques does the film use? – give examples

4.   Which of the four short film categories does it fall into? – explain your choice. 

   View the Short Film 'Wasp' dir Andrea Arnold 
   Complete the following tasks:
  1. Write a premise for Wasp (Who wants what and why can't they have it?)
  2. Which of the 4 short film categories does it fall into? - explain the reasons for your choice.
  3. Write a page of screenplay from any part of the film. 

   Email your work to me by next week.

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